Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Hound of the Baskervilles & the curious incident of the dog in the night-time
1/ Name some of the characteristics of Sherlock Holmes that might suggest that he has Asperger's syndrome.
2/ Take the following quote and relate it to The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time: "Some people without possessing genius have a remarkable power of stimulating it."
3/ Christopher often notices things that other people take for granted. In The Hound of the Baskervilles, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle makes a joke of this when Watson asks Holmes how he knew Mortimer had a curly-haired spaniel and the dog is standing at the door. Give an example of something that Christopher notices that others may not.
4/ Based on the following sentence, what conclusion can you draw about the similarity between Sherlock Holmes and Christopher?: "Now is the dramatic moment of fate, Watson, when you hear a step upon the stair which is walking into your life, and you know not whether for good or ill."
5/ Remark on the amount of detail Sherlock Holmes notices when first meeting Mortimer. Compare this to the detail Christopher notices wehn meeting a person.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, cont'd
Please answer the following questions in small groups.
1. How would you characterize the relationship that Christopher has with his father? Re-read chapter 41 (pp. 20-21). Try to see the relationship through Christopher’s eyes, through his father’s eyes, and through your own eyes.
2. When Christopher is told that his mother has died, what is his response (pp. 26-28, chapter 53). In this chapter, as in many other chapters, he intersperses short sentences into his narrative. In fact, some of his paragraphs in this chapter are only 1 sentence long. What kind of information is conveyed in these short paragraphs? What is significant about the beginning of chapter 59, the very next chapter? Where has the discussion of his mother gone, and why?3. Everybody processes the ideas of death and dying differently. Christopher, on pp. 33-34, discusses his rabbit’s death, his mother’s death, and the idea of dying. In what ways does Christopher’s scientific, factual interpretation also end up being a kind of consolation for him or for us?
4. Chapter 67 gives us a wonderful glimpse into the world of non-autistic persons, through the eyes of an autistic person. Examine, for example, the tee-shirt slogan that Christopher quotes on p. 36, and his comments on the idea of “chatting,” on the top of p. 40. When you see bits and pieces of your own world isolated and discussed, in the way that Christopher isolates and discusses them, how does your own world appear to you now? Discuss other pieces of our non-autistic world that Christopher points out for us throughout the novel. (See also p. 184 and lots of other pages!)
5. Christopher lists his “behavioral problems” on pp. 46-7. What do we learn about our own behavioral “problems” by reading Christopher’s list? What do we learn about his parents’ difficulties as well?
6. Mrs. Alexander, a neighbor, ends up being quite conversant with Christopher. Describe their relationship (and check out pp. 56-61 as well). What does Christopher learn not merely about the dog’s murder but about his mother and father as well, from this neighbor?
7. Christopher describes the “Monty Hall” math problem on pp. 64-5 and he provides us with a description of clouds on pp. 67-9. To what extent are these digressions unrelated to the story? What do these digressions tell us about Christopher? Find other digressions that are interesting to you and/or that may be relevant to the rest of the story (pp. 86, 88, etc.).
8. “My memory is like film,” says Christopher (p. 76). He continues to say that he never forgets anything, and from this he derives a great deal of confidence. What other tools does Christopher have to deal with problems, conflicts, uncertainty, and ambiguity?
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
Part One: Read chapters 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31 and 37. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Read the first paragraph of the novel (p. 1). What do you learn about Christopher by reading this passage? What do you learn about what is important to him? How does he see things? How might he be different from you, or even the same? What kind of narrative style characterizes this passage?2. Why does Christopher tear up the piece of paper that Siobhan has drawn for him (p. 3)?3. Examine the footnote on p. 5 of the book. When does Christopher use footnotes? Page 8 also has an example of numbered lists, and page 53 has an example of boldface. When does Christopher resort to such additions or “flourishes” in his storytelling? What do these font changes, lists, and so on, tell us about this narrator?4. Christopher provides insight into his behavior on p. 7 when he begins to press his forehead on the ground, ignoring the policeman. However, the policeman does not have the vantage point that we have. If we were ignorant about Christopher in the way that the policeman is, what would we think of Christopher? If the policeman had known what we know about this narrator, how might he have approached Christopher differently?5. Chapter 19 (p. 11) provides us with a digression on prime numbers. What do we learn, factually speaking, about such numbers as we read this chapter? What do we learn about this digression on prime numbers vis-a-vis the chapter that precedes it? In other words, how does Chapter 19 shed light on the subject matter of the previous chapter? What philosophy does Christopher extract from his digression on prime numbers (read the end of Chapter 19 for an answer to this question.)
Part Two:
Begin a reader response journal for the novel. You may about any topic or issue arising from the novel that interests you. Make comments about characters, events, themes explored, etc. Below is a sample of what you might wish to write about as you begin the novel. Entries should be approximately ½ to 3/4 of a page. Only one journal is being assigned for today.
Read the first paragraph of the novel (p. 1). What do you learn about Christopher by reading this passage? What do you learn about what is important to him? How does he see things? How might he be different from you, or even the same? What kind of narrative style characterizes this passage?
Part Three:
Make a list of any unknown words as you read the assigned chapters.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Novel Study -cont'd
2/ Read "The Hound of the Baskervilles" for homework.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Thursday -Work on ISU Book Festival
After you have submitted your Book Review, your book club will give a short oral presentation (approximately 15-20 minutes.)
In your presentation, your group will do the following:
Focus on one aspect of the book that really captured your interest
Create a presentation that will encourage your audience to read the novel too
Your presentation can be anything that gets information about your book across in a creative and unique way (e.g. skit, taped interview with “author,” a book talk, dramatization of a scene, monologue of a character from the novel, a news report, etc.)
Your presentation must include the use of visual/audio aids.
All members of the group must speak during the presentation and clearly demonstrate their contribution to the group. Each group member will be marked individually.
(Be sure to discuss your idea with the teacher so that materials you may need such as a vcr, dvd or cd player can be arranged.)
Oral Component
· Content (creativity) & Organization /5
· Engages audience/captures interest /5
· Speaks clearly, audible voice, good posture /5
Visual/Audio Component
· Effective/enhances presentation /5
· Creativity /5
· Communicates key points/ideas /5
MY PRESENTATION IS ON __First week of June__________________.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Novels are here!
2/ Took up Language Lessons from last week.
3/ Reviewed peer editing checklist for ISU Book review.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Friday, May 8th
2/ Romeo and Juliet Trivia
- Creative and Media Task due Monday, May 11th
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Review Major Themes/Elements in R & J
Group #1
LOVE: Look at the types of love in the play. What is Shakespeare saying about love?
- Romantic Love -between Romeo and Juliet, willing to die for each other
- Friendshiop -Mercutio and Romeo, Romeo and Benvolio, care about each other, Romeo killed Tybalt to avenge Mercutio's death
- Infatuation -Romeo's infatuation with Rosaline at the beginning of the play, Romeo more in love with being in love at this point in the play
- Parental Love -Nurse and Juliet, Montagues and Romeo -Juliet's parents more concerned with her obedience than her opinions and wishes, Montagues deeply concerned about Romeo's sorrow when he is infatuated with Rosaline, the Nurse is very maternal toward Juliet, Nurse helps Juliet be with Romeo
Group #2
FATE: What role does Fate play in Romeo and Juliet? Is fate responsible for the tragedy?
- Fate is treated like a character in the play
- All characters believe in fate except for Mercutio
- "I am fortune's fool" says Romeo after killing Tybal
- "I defy you stars" says Romeo after Juliet dies
- Romeo believes in fate but tries to go against it, doesn't see himself as responsible for what happens
- Mercutio believes more in free will, making your own choices, only character who blames the ancient feud for his death -"A plague on both your houses."
- Don't believe fate is responsible for the tragedy, Romeo and Juliet were responsible for their own actions
- If fate was a factor, then perhaps Romeo and Juliet were meant to die in order to end their parents' feud
Group #3
CONFLICT: What are the major conflicts in the play? What are the consequences of these conflicts?
- 3 major conflicts are: the ancient feud, forbidden love and control (Capulets control over Juliet)
- Conflict leads to tragedies including death, banishment and Juliet's parents threatening to disown her
Group #4
OPPOSITES/CONTRAST: Who or what is in opposition in the play? What types of contrast occur? Why does Shakespeare do this?
- Light and Dark imagery throughout play, Juliet is the sun, Romeo inconstant like the moon
- Romeo attempts to make night out of day when he must leave Juliet and travel to Mantua
- Juliet is content in the daylight
- Lover versus Hate -Juliet and Romeo love one another despite family name, Montagues versus Capulets, Parents versus Young Love
- Love is bittersweet -produces sweetness and sorrow, is bad and good all at the same time, their love is forbidden and yet is still happening
- Life and Death -references to life and death throughout play, play begins with life/love and ends with death
- Old versus Young -parents believe they are wise and know what's best for their children while the teenagers are young and naive, their love overpowers everything else for them and they act without thinking
- teenagers believe that everything will fall into place and work itself out but Friar Lawrence reminds them that those who run fast, often stumble
2/ Monday, May 11th will be an ISU Work Period, come prepared.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Work Period
ISU Book Review
Creative Component of R &J Portfolio
Media Component of R & J Portfolio
Oral Component of R & J Portfolio cancelled!
Monday, May 4, 2009
ISU Book Review assigned
(other important due dates listed at bottom of post)
Use ideas and insights gained from meetings and your “Club Notes” to generate the content of your critical review.
Prepare a detailed outline of your critical review.
Introductory Paragraph:
-topic sentence that captures the reader’s attention
-novel title and author
-state your central thesis (would you recommend this novel or not?)
-provide supporting arguments (these arguments must be based on an analysis of two literary elements ie. character, setting, plot, theme, etc.)
-proper concluding sentence that makes a smooth transition to next paragraph
Body of Critical Review:
-develop thesis using two supporting arguments as outlined in first paragraph
-one paragraph per argument
-use quotations from your novel to illustrate important points
-use parenthetical notation to document quotes
-use smooth transitions between paragraphs to create coherence/unity
-include proper topic sentence and concluding sentence for each body paragraph
Concluding Paragraph:
-include topic sentence
-restate thesis or final assessment of novel
-summarize two main points
-make overall, insightful statement about novel as you conclude review
-do not introduce new material at this point
You must include a Works Cited page, even if the only source used is your novel.
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel. The Fellowship of the Ring. London: Harper Collins, 1999
ROUGH OUTLINE DUE: ____WEDNESDAY, MAY 13th_____________
Peer Editing Workshop: Friday, May 15th
Submit FINAL DRAFT of the following on: ______TUESDAY, MAY 19TH_____
-Title page (your review must have a unique title)
-Good copy of review
-Works Cited pg
-all process work including: brainstorming, outline, rough draft, etc.
Content: /20 marks
-clear thesis
-analysis of two literary elements
-arguments are ample, persuasive, relevant, logical
-quotes used effectively
-logical progression of ideas
-review organized using proper format
Style/Mechanics: /20 marks
-appropriate vocabulary
-ideas are expressed clearly and effectively
-correct spelling, proper sentence/paragraph structure
-effective and accurate punctuation
-quotations are properly documented
Total: /40 marks
Creative and Media Component of R & J Portfolio due Monday, May 11th
Presentations (oral skits) due Friday, May 8th
Work Periods for Presentations are Wednesday, May 6th and Thursday, May 7th
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Romeo and Juliet complete
Journals 3-7 -due Wednesday, May 6th
Journal #3 Summarize the views on marriage explored in the play so far. Which ones do you agree or disagree with? Share your thoughts.
Journal #4 Explain these 3 significant parts/lines in Act 2, Scene 2.i/ Juliet's talk of Romeo and his name ii/ Juliet's wish that Romeo not swear by the moon when he professes his love for her iii/ Romeo and Juliet's love being compared to "lightning."
Journal #5 -assigned'Premonitions' play a significant role in the play. Identify and explain three good examples from Act I and II.
Journal #6 assigned, page 136 #2 (text)
Journal #7 -Who is most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?
Library Period tomorrow to work on Creative and Media Component for Portfolio
Monday, May 4th - Play Reviewed/Final Book Club Meeting -all notes due, introduction of ISU Critical Review
Stratford Trip Tuesday, May 5th
Wednesday, May 6th and Thursday, May 7th -work on Oral Component of Portfolio
Friday, May 8th -Presentations!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Romeo and Juliet, Act 3
2/ Act 3, Scene 2 -Juliet learns of Tybalt's death and Romeo's banishment.
Act 3, Scene 3 -Romeo goes to Friar Lawrence for help. The Friar tells him that his banishment may not be permanent and that the two lovers may be united again. The Nurse enters to tell Romeo of Juliet's grief. Romeo threatens to kill himself and the Friar chastises him for ignoring "a pack of blessings." He is lucky to be banished instead of dead, his love Juliet is still alive and his enemy Tybalt, who planned to kill him, is dead and gone. He tells Romeo to go and comfort Juliet but to leave her by the break of day and flee to Mantua where he will find safety until a solution can be found.
Act 3, Scene 4 -Capulet accepts Paris's offer to marry to Juliet and states that the wedding will take place on Thursday. He assumes Juliet will obey his wishes. He doesn't know that she is already married!
Act 3, Scene 5 -Juliet and Romeo spend one night together and then part. Lady Capulet informs Juliet that she will wed Paris. Juliet rejects the idea and her father threatens to banish her if she does not obey his wishes. The Nurse suggests that she marry Paris and forget about Romeo. Juliet realizes that she cannot trust the Nurse and tells her that she will visit the Friar to ask for forgiveness for disobeying her father.
- Library period to work on Portfolio on Friday, May 1st
- News Report due Monday, May 4th
- Stratford Trip on Tuesday, May 5th
Monday, April 27, 2009
Romeo and Juliet Act 2, Scene 6 & Act 3, Scene 1
Journal #6 assigned, page 136 #2 (text)
2/ Act 3, Scene 1 -Mercutio and Tybalt fight/Romeo is banished.
A Closer Look at Act III, Scene i
1/ At the beginning of the scene, why does Benvolio think there will be a fight?
2/ What does Mercutio accuse Benvolio of in lines 15-30?
3/ When Tybalt and Mercutio first begin arguing, what does Benvolio try to get them to do?
4/ What does Tybalt call Romeo?
5/ Why won't Romeo fight Tybalt?
6/ What does Mercutio think is the reason Romeo refuses to fight?
7/ Why does Mercutio keep repeating, "A plague o'both your houses"?
8/ What does Romeo say Juliet's love has done to him?
9/ Why does Romeo call himself "fortune's fool"?
10/ When Benvolio relates to the Prince what happened, what does he say Romeo tried to do before Mercutio was killed?
11/ What does Lady Capulet accuse Benvolio of? Why?
12/ What is Romeo's punishment for killing Tybalt?
3/ Begin News Article Assignment (1st assignment in R & J Unit Portfolio)
Article Web due Tues. April 28
Rough draft/Peer Editing Session on Thurs. April 30
ROMEO & JULIET by William Shakespeare
Grade 9 Enriched Unit
During this unit, you will be responsible for completing the following:
1/ Writing Task: ( /20 marks -see rubric) Choose ONE of the following:
A. Write a News Report of the Capulet Ball as it might appear in the morning paper.
B. Write a News Report on the Montague/Capulet fight. Your account must include the following: how and why Tybalt provokes Mercutio, how Mercutio could have avoided confrontation, how Mercutio’s death is Romeo’s fault, how Romeo takes the law into his own hands and insights into the Prince’s actions.
Due Date:___Final Copy May 4, 2009_______________________________
2/ Creative Component: ( /20 marks -see rubric) Choose ONE of the following:
A. Collage -Create a collage to illustrate the many themes in the play. Demonstrate your understanding of the main themes by your choice and positioning of images/illustrations.
B. Compilation CD -Create a compilation CD to reflect the main themes of the play. Demonstrate your understanding of the main themes through your selection of songs/artists and illustrations. Be sure to include a brief written explanation of why each song fits the themes of the play.
Due Date:____________________________________
3/ Media Component: ( /20 marks -see rubric) Choose ONE of the following:
Design a Brochure to advertise the play to students entering Grade 9 next year. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the play’s themes, characters, plot, etc. Try to make it visually appealing to catch the interest of future students.
A. Design a Poster to advertise the play to students entering Grade 9. Consider the above statements (see #1) to catch the interest of future students.
Due Date:____________________________________
4/ Oral Component: ( /20 marks -see rubric)
In groups, choose ONE of the scenes from the teacher’s list to present to the class. Your presentation must show a clear understanding of plot, character, and theme. You may present a modern version if you wish. You may work individually by choosing to present a small soliloquy from the play.
Dates to work on presentation:____________________________
Date of presentations:___________________________________
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Friday, April 23rd
2/ Began viewing Elizabeth
We will continue Romeo and Juliet on Monday.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Romeo and Juliet: Earth Day Activity
2/ 30 Second Shakespeare -in groups, create a skit, poem, song, etc. that sums up the events and themes of the play studied so far, then present to the rest of the class
Book Club tomorrow! Please come prepared. Oral Communication Skills will be evaluated.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
News Report Writing

2/ Groups created article brainstorm based on event from Romeo and Juliet and wrote lead paragraph.
3/ Groups shared products.
REMINDER: Book Club Meeting on Thursday, April 23rd
Final Book Club Meeting is on May 1st, all book club notes due
Monday, April 20, 2009
Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 3, 4 & 5
Consider the following questions when studying these scenes.
1/ What has Friar Lawrence been gathering?
2/ Consider the lines, "Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied:/ And vice sometime's by action dignified." Good things can be used for evil purposes and vice versa. How will this apply to Romeo's dilemma?
3/ When Friar Lawrence sees Romeo, what comment does he make about seeing him so early in the morning?
4/ Wht does Friar Lawrence mean when he says to Romeo, "Young men's love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes"?
5/ Why does the Friar agree to help Romeo and Juliet?
6/ According to Mercutio, what kind of man is Tybalt?
7/ How is Juliet to meet Romeo?
8/ How is the nurse behaving that is frustrating to Juliet?
9/ What is the purpose of the dialogue between Juliet and the nurse?
Journal #5 -assigned
'Premonitions' play a significant role in the play. Identify and explain three good examples from Act I and II.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Romeo and Juliet: Love at First Sight
Today we looked at Act I, Scene iv where we are introduced to the unforgetable Mercutio. Consider closely his advice to Romeo about love, "If love be rough with you, be rough with love;/ Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down." Look also at Mercutio's speech about Queen Mab. In English folktales, Queen Mab delivered dreams to the dreamer. There is a great deal of talk of dreams in this scene and Mercutio continues on until he is cut off by Romeo who calims that Mercutio "talk'st of nothing." But does he? How much of our lives are spent dreaming? Dreams that make us think or keep us awake at night or dreams of our future or perhaps a romance? Romeo mentions briefly that he has "dream'd a dream" although we never find out the details. Mercutio then goes on to say that dreams "are the children of an idle brain, Begot of nothing but vain fantasy, Which is as thin of substance as the air And more inconstant than the wind..." But what are humans without dreams?
2/ Romeo falls desperately in love with Juliet in a matter of minutes in scene v which forces us to explore the idea of love at first sight. Tybalt recognizes him and wishes to fight him but Lord Capulet forcefully tells Tybalt that he will "endure him" and he will obey his wishes to leave the boy alone. Tybalt is willing to break the Prince's decree and seems to be a bit of a hot head while Lord Capulet expects his will to be done. How will things work out when he decides that Juliet should marry Paris?
ACT TWO, SCENE TWO -Balcony Scene, some questions to consider as you read and review
1/ When Juliet appears on her balcony, what does Romeo compare her to?
2/ Unaware of his presence, what does Juliet ask Romeo to say?
3/ What does Juliet say about names?
4/ Juliet asks how Romeo got inside since the orchard walls are high. What is his response?
5/ Why is Juliet embarassed by his words?
6/ Why doesn't Juliet want Romeo to swear by the moon?
7/ How does Juliet describe their relationship What element of nature does she compare it to?
Short Note
Antithesis -the opposition of words or phrases against each other
e.g. "To be or not to be..."
"My grave is like to be my wedding-bed..."
"My only love sprung from my only hate..."
"Oh brawling love! Oh loving hate!"
Journal #4
Explain these 3 significant parts/lines in Act 2, Scene 2.
i/ Juliet's talk of Romeo and his name
ii/ Juliet's wish that Romeo not swear by the moon when he professes his love for her
iii/ Romeo and Juliet's love being compared to "lightning"
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Romeo and Juliet: Thoughts on Love and Marriage
The Love Connection
Romeo: "...What is it else? A madness most discreet,
A choking gall, and a preserving sweet." (1.1.190-191)
Benvolio: "Take thou some new infection to thy eye,
And the rank poison of the old will die."(1.2.49-50)
Paris: "Younger than she are happy mothers made."(1.2.12)
Capulet: "And too soon marr'd are those so early made.(1.2.13)
Capulet: "But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart,
My will to her consent is but a part;..."(1.2.16-17)
Juliet: "It is an honour that I dream not of." (1.3.67)
Juliet: "I'll look to like if looking liking move;..."(1.3.98)
Lady Capulet: "...younger than you,/ Here in Verona, ladies of esteem,/Are made already mothers." (1.3.69-71)
Nurse: "No less! Nay bigger: women grow by men." (1.3.95)
What are the attitudes of each of these characters towards love and marriage?
2/ Journal #3 Assigned
Summarize the views on marriage explored in the play so far. Which ones do you agree or disagree with? Share your thoughts.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Romeo and Juliet cont'd
1/ completed Act I, Scene i -Romeo is lovesick for Rosaline. Benvolio urges him to "examine other beauties" in order to forget her.
2/ began Act I, Scene ii -Paris asks for permission to marry Juliet. Lord Capulet is reluctant. Juliet is his only living child and is only fourteen years old. He invited Paris to attend his party and to look at other girls.
"Among frsh female buds shall you this night/Inherit at my house; hear all, all see,/And like her most whose merit most shall be:/Which on more view, of many mine being one,/May stand in number, though in reckoning none."
Notice the parallels between the request made by Benvolio and that made by Lord Capulet to their listeners.
3/ began Act I, Scene iii -here we meet Lady Capulet, the Nurse and Juliet
Lady Capulet encourages a union with Paris and Juliet. She tells her daughter, that girls as young as she are already made mothers and that Paris is quite a catch.
Notice the parallels between Lady Capulet's advice and Paris's suit to Lord Capulet for Juliet's hand in marriage.